Gosibius (Gosibius) Chamberlin, 1912

Gosibius Chamberlin, 1912 [subgenus of Gosibius Chamberlin, 1912].

Original description: Chamberlin R.V. (1912). New North American chilopods and diplopods - Annals of the Entomological Society of America , 5: 141-172, see p. 146..

Order: Lithobiomorpha

Family: Lithobiidae

Original rank: genus

Type species: Gosibius monicus Chamberlin, 1912 - by monotypy

Synonymy: Attems C. (1926). Chilopoda. In: Kükenthal W. & Krumbach Th. (eds.), Handbuch der Zoologie - De Gruyter, Berlin und Leipzig , 4(1): 239-402, see p. 382, 383.

Valid Species:

Notes: see also Chamberlin (1917 - The Gosibiidae of America north of Mexico. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, 57: 207); syn. of Lithobius (Alokobius) according to Attems (1938 - Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle, n.s., 6: 344); according to Jeekel (2005 - Myriapod memoranda, Supplement 1: 17) although the genus-groupname was formally proposed as new by Chamberlin, July, 1912 (Can. Ent., 44: 204), the reference of Chamberlin (1912 - Ann. ent. Soc. Am., 5: 146) dated June 1912, appears to have priority; the designation by Chamberlin of Lithobius paucidens Wood, 1862 as type species of Gosibius is therefore invalid