Nodocephalus Attems, 1928
The valid name for Nodocephalus Attems, 1928 is Arrup Chamberlin, 1912
Nodocephalus Attems, 1928
Original description: Attems C. (1928). Eine neue Gattung und eine neue Art der Mecistocephalidae (Chilopoden) - Zoologischer Anzeiger , 75: 115-120, see p. 115.
Order: Geophilomorpha
Family: Mecistocephalidae
Original rank: genus
Type species: Mecistocephalus edentulus Attems, 1904 - by original designation
Synonymy: Crabill R.E. jr. (1964). A revised interpretation of the primitive centipede genus Arrup, with redescription of its type-species and list of known species - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington , 77: 161-170, see p. 163.